class XDo


XDo is a Crystal interface for libxdo, the C library that backs xdotool.

It exposes most of the functionality of xdotool, allowing users to write Crystal programs that manage windows in an X11 instance.

The easiest way to use XDo is via XDo.act:

XDo.act do
  active_window do |win|
    win.type "hello from Crystal!"

Defined in:

Constant Summary

VERSION = "0.8.3"


Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def = ENV["DISPLAY"]?) #

Creates a new XDo instance with the given X11 display.

# create an instance on the default display or `DISPLAY` env variable
xdo =

# ...or with a different X display
xdo2 =":2")

# ... do some work ...

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Class Method Detail

def self.act(&) #

Yields a block with an XDo instance, providing a DSL for interaction.

XDo.act do
  select_window do |win|
    sleep 1!
    win.type "hello"

  desktop = 3

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def self.lib_version #

Returns the version of libxdo being used as a String.

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def self.symbol_map #

Returns a Hash(String, String) indicating the current symbol map.

XDo.symbol_map # => {"alt" => "Alt_L", "ctrl" => "Control_L"}

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Instance Method Detail

def active_modifiers #

Returns a list of XDo::LibXDo::Charcodemaps indicating all active modifier keys.

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def active_window(&) #

Returns the Window that is currently active.

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def active_window #

Returns the Window that is currently active.

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def clear_active_modifiers #

TODO implement

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def click(button : Button) #

Click the given mouse button on the active window (mouse-down + mouse-up)

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def click(button : Button, repeat, delay = DEFAULT_DELAY) #

Click the given mouse button repeat times, with delay between each click.

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def desktop #

Returns the current desktop's number.

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def desktop=(desktop) #

Sets the current desktop.

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def desktops #

Returns the number of desktops.

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def desktops=(ndesktops) #

Sets the number of desktops.

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def disable_feature(feature : XDoFeatures) #

Disable an xdo feature.

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def display : String? #

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def enable_feature(feature : XDoFeatures) #

Enable an xdo feature.

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def finalize #

Destroys the instance's internal state.

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def focused_window(*, sane = true) #

Returns the Window that currently has focus.

When sane is set to true, returns the first ancestor-or-self window with the WM_CLASS property. When set to false, returns the actual focused window (which may not be the application's top-level window).

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def focused_window(*, sane = true, &) #

Returns the Window that currently has focus.

When sane is set to true, returns the first ancestor-or-self window with the WM_CLASS property. When set to false, returns the actual focused window (which may not be the application's top-level window).

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def has_feature?(feature : XDoFeatures) #

Test whether a feature is enabled.

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def input_state : KeyMask #

Returns the input state, which is the OR of any active modifiers in the KeyMask.

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def keys(keys : String, delay = DEFAULT_DELAY) #

Send some keys (down + up) to the active window, with delay between them.

keys "Ctrl+s"

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def keys_down(keys : String, delay = DEFAULT_DELAY) #

Send some key press (down) events for the given keys, with delay between them. See #keys_up.

keys_down "Ctrl+o"

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def keys_raw(keys : Array(LibXDo::Charcodemap), *, pressed : Bool, modifier = 0, delay = DEFAULT_DELAY) #

Send some key events by specifying keysyms and modifiers directly, with delay between them. You most likely want to use #keys or #type instead, however this function skips the string parsing and should consequently run slightly faster.

key1 =
key1.code = 38
key1.modmask = 1
key2 =
key2.code = 56
keys = [key1, key2]
# Sends `AB`
keys_raw keys, pressed: true
keys_raw keys, pressed: false

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def keys_up(keys : String, delay = DEFAULT_DELAY) #

Send some key release (up) events for the given keys, with delay between them. See #keys_down.

keys_up "Ctrl+o"

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def mouse_down(button : Button) #

Send a mouse-down event for the given mouse button to the active window.

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def mouse_location #

Returns the mouse's current position as a tuple of x and y coordinates, the screen it's on, and the Window it's over.

x, y, screen, win = xdo.mouse_location

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def mouse_up(button : Button) #

Send a mouse-up event for the given mouse button to the active window.

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def mouse_window(&) #

Returns the Window that the mouse is currently over.

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def mouse_window #

Returns the Window that the mouse is currently over.

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def move_mouse(x, y, screen) #

Moves the mouse to coordinates x, y on the given screen.

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def move_mouse(x, y) #

Moves the mouse to coordinates x, y relative to its current position.

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def on_mouse_move(&) #

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def on_mouse_move_from(x, y, &) #

Wait for the mouse to move from the coordinates x, y.

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def on_mouse_move_to(x, y, &) #

Wait for the mouse to move to the coordinates x, y.

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def search(query) #

Takes a Search and runs it, returning a list of Windows matching the search.

XDo.act do
  query = { window_name "Firefox" }
  winds = search(query)
  puts winds

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def search(&) #

Like #search(query), but yields a block to build the query directly.

XDo.act do
  winds = search { window_name "Firefox" }
  puts winds

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def select_window(&) #

Returns the Window selected interactively.

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def select_window #

Returns the Window selected interactively.

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def set_active_modifiers #

TODO implement

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def type(text : String, delay = DEFAULT_DELAY) #

Send some text to the active window, with delay between the keystrokes.

type "hello from Crystal!"

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def viewport #

Gets the desktop viewport as an x, y tuple.

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def viewport=(tup) #

Sets the desktop viewport (only relevant if _NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT is supported).

XDo.act do
  viewport = {x, y}

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def viewport_dimensions(screen) #

Gets the dimensions of the given screen's viewport as a width, height tuple.

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def wait_for_mouse_move_from(x, y) #

Wait for the mouse to move from the coordinates x, y.

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def wait_for_mouse_move_to(x, y) #

Wait for the mouse to move to the coordinates x, y.

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